Sheila provided the snacks, and they were delicious, especially the pretzel-peanut butter-chocolate bites. Meg offered water and soft drinks for guests who did not bring their own. Estela brought some Lay's potato chips that were "chicken and waffles" flavored; they have a sweet and salty flavor. The general comment was that the sweetness had a taste reminiscent of maple syrup, which one could attribute to the "waffles" flavor, but the chips had no taste of chicken.
After everyone had snacks, Sylvia and Sheila got the auction underway. As Sylvia's assistant, Sheila did a good job of describing the items and suggesting possibilities for how they might be used. In the background you can see Meg, who served as cashier, and Susan, who helped hand items to Sylvia and Sheila. Here's Sylvia getting her vocal cords--and her audience--warmed up!
Meg's sitting room, hallway, and sewing room were piled high with boxes, bags, baskets and all manner of other containers holding both quilt and non-quilt related items. Some of the more notable items included a brand new beautiful handmade rug that Sylvia donated, unquilted quilt tops and table runners made from orphan blocks donated to the group, homemade jam, and a "no melt" fabric snowman that sold for more than a sewing machine cabinet! The snowman was donated by Mozelle, who could not be present at the evening's festivities.
The quilt-related auction items included lots of books, fabrics (yardage, scraps, jelly rolls, grab bags), pieced quilt tops, notions, a sewing machine cabinet, and too many others to list. Then there were the non-quilt related items: There was a box said to be intended to hold doggy treats. When that approach didn't get anyone's bid, Sylvia suggested it could be used to hold doggy ashes. That got a good laugh but no bidders. The box was set aside, but Cyndi bought it for the asking price after the auction was over.
Also offered was a lampshade, shown here being modeled by Sheila
When an item that was offered was bagged and its content not immediately visible, Sheila helped stir up interest by opening it up and displaying everything. This bag contained doll heads, doll hair, and a brand new unopened puzzle.
Our guests were active participants in the auction. One of the guests is shown here with a large bag that she bid on, and then proceeded to fill with other items that she bought.
The bidding was slow for certain items, at least until their uses were explained. Here's Sheila holding a cage-like device that drew no interest until Meg explained that it was a hanging 3-tiered shelf.
The bidding on other items was spirited and fast. Sheila and Sylvia were both bidding on a hanging quilt rack, and each would tug it toward herself when she outbid the other one! I believe Sylvia got this one.
There were so many items offered at the auction that everyone believed the meeting would last longer than usual, but Sylvia and Sheila kept the action moving and we were done a little after 9 p.m. Almost every item sold, and Meg's preliminary count is that the Sassies took in about $550 from auction proceeds! A formal tally will be presented at the September meeting.
The next meeting will be held on September 12 at Meg's house. Estela will be hostess and we will be working on a "make and take" project. No need to bring anything; all supplies will be provided.