Sunday, July 13, 2014

July meeting


The July meeting was held on the 10th at Meg's house. In attendance were Sheila, Mozelle, Debbie, Sylvia, Estela, Meg, and Marcia. Estela hosted and provided hotdogs, chips, and cookies with ice cream to celebrate Teddy Bear Picnic Day.  Some brought our teddies, and Meg had decorated with several teddies from her collection.

Show and Tell;

Susan showed a very pretty zippered purse she had made....

 as well as this nice Jelly Roll Race quilt.  it looks as though she planned it out beforehand, doesn't it?

She also made this lovely quilt in 30s fabrics as a gift for a baby shower. Lucky baby!

Marcia showed her baby quilt made from a jelly roll in an hourglass pattern.  No baby for this one yet, she's working ahead.

Meg showed this John Deere quilt her daughter Glynis has made.

      Estela demonstrated this fabric bowl, meant to be used while microwaving small bowls of food. The "ears" make it easy to pull a hot dish from the microwave without burning your hands.

We each brought two 10" squares of cotton fabric.  Estela provided each of us with two 10" squares of all-cotton batting, which were sewn to the squares with a big X.  Then darts were sewn in 4 places on each square, and the squares were joined right sides together, turned, and top-stitched. Voila' !  we each took home a finished bowl holder. It is a quick and easy project that would make a great gift!

Next month's meeting will be our annual Auction, so start finding those items you can do without but might be someone else's treasure.
