Friday, August 15, 2014

August Meeting

The Annual August Auction was held on the 14th at Marcia's house, hosted by Sylvia and Debbie. In attendance were Cyndi, Meg, Sheila, Susan, Sylvia, Debbie, and Marcia.  Guests were Vicky, Sylvia's sister; Alma, Susan's sister-in-law; Joyce, a former member and friend; and Michelle and Samantha, Debbie's sister and niece. It was great to have so many visitors at one time!

Debbie provided  homemade chicken salad and bread-and-butter pickles, and some interesting pickle flavored potato chips, as well as an Earthquake Cake.  It was surmised that the name came from the sound of our feet after we had eaten our fill!

Meg gave a Treasurer's report, and a discussion ensued of whether a bank account should be opened for the treasury money.  Meg was tasked with setting this up.  (This account was opened the next day at Simmons Bank in Meg's name and with Marcia as co-signer.  No mention of the club was made to the bank.)

A motion was seconded and passed that Meg should be allowed to buy thread, needles, and other upkeep items for her sewing machines from the treasury, since we use her machines so often.

A motion was seconded and passed that we use money from the treasury to pay for a Christmas dinner at a local restaurant to be named later.  Discussion of the restaurant included Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Mary Maestri's, Outback, and other favorites.  It was decided that we would individually check into the use of our favorite for this purpose and report at the next meeting, when we will decide which restaurant to use, and a person will be chosen to make the reservations.

A motion was seconded and passed that from now on all evening club meetings will be held at Marcia's house.

Meg passed around a newspaper clipping of Marcia when she was in high school.

Sheila showed several quilts:

 This Wild Animal quilt is for her grandson. We all loved her use of animal print fabrics.

 This bright and colorful quilt features more baby-friendly animals.

 This one is from the same pattern, but features aliens or monsters in the print panels.

This HUGE quilt is called "Joined At The Hip," and  used only one jelly roll, plus the background fabric. Great use of color!

Marcia showed this small quilt, "Tiny Pinwheels," that she made with pieces of fabric she bought at last year's auction. 

Cyndi showed her "Jelly Roll Race II" in teals and browns, held here by Sheila and Meg. It is also a LARGE quilt. Very pretty!

Instead of a program, we held our auction of good, but no-longer-wanted items. Lots of magazines and books were sold, some jelly rolls and fabric squares, and lots of other things, both sewing/craft related and not.

 Sylvia acted as auctioneer, and Debbie and Sheila were her assistants. They are all very good at getting people to buy stuff, and prices were kept low.

After the proceedings, we all paid our money to Meg, gathered our booty and went home happy. The auction is always one of the highlights of the year.

The September meeting will be held on the 11th at Marcia's house, and hosted by Estela.
